Surveys and evaluations archive

Legal Aid BC regularly surveys stakeholders for feedback about our programs and services. Stakeholders include the public, LABC clients, lawyers, and LABC staff. LABC also evaluates ongoing services and pilot projects to ensure they're fulfilling their objectives and meeting client needs.

The archive PDFs of these reports are listed below. To view recent reports, see Surveys and evaluations.

Client Satisfaction Survey

A survey with LABC clients to gain a broader knowledge of the client experience accessing LABC programs and services.

Community Advocate Support Line

  • Community Advocate Support Line Evaluation – Evaluation examines the quality of service, areas where the service may be improved, and the degree to which the service has achieved its intended outcomes.

Community Engagement

  • Community Engagement Evaluation – Evaluation examines whether the program has been implemented as intended, and on track to achieve its short-term objectives. 

Criminal Law Services

Everyday Legal Needs Survey

A survey of British Columbians with low incomes on the types of legal problems they are facing, how they are dealing with these legal problems, and how these legal problems affect their perceptions of the justice system in BC.   

2020 Everyday Legal Needs Survey

2018 Everyday Legal Needs Survey


Family Law & Child Protection Services

Indigenous Services

Intake Services

Lawyer Services

Public Legal Education and Information

Public Opinion Poll

A province wide survey with BC residents to understand the awareness, knowledge, and attitudes around legal aid in BC.

Tariff Lawyer Survey

A survey of legal aid lawyers on their satisfaction with the supports LABC providers to lawyers taking legal aid contracts.