Legal research memoranda

Legal Aid BC provides legal aid lawyers with Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) Law legal research memoranda. LAO Law memos are designed to help lawyers prepare cases for legal aid clients. The memos are comprehensive and regularly updated, but aren’t intended to replace your own research.

To complete a Request for LAO Law Memoranda:

1. Log in to the Lawyer Portal.

2. Under Resources, click Resources for Lawyers.

3. Then under Other Legal Resources, click Legal Research Memoranda to choose from the LAO Law catalogue, which lists the memoranda by area of law.

Note the following:

  • You will receive your memos by email.
  • Copies are not available by regular mail or fax.
  • There is a limit of two memos per legal aid contract.

For more information, please email us at lawyers.​resources@​legalaid.​bc.​ca.